Welcome! I'm Natalie, a 22 year old artist and owner of Solar Plexus Art.
I started this shop at the beginning of the pandemic, and it really helped me through a lot. Painting is what has always kept me going. Through struggles with mental health and dealing with stress, to something just to keep me busy, art therapy has blossomed into more than just a hobby for me.
The Solar Plexus is the third chakra in the chakra system that lies in our bodies. Bright yellow, it's energy radiates just above our belly buttons and below the breastbone. This chakra holds our personal power, self esteem, and confidence. I chose to name my shop after this specific chakra because creating art has always given me confidence. As I've grown as a person, I've realized how much personal power art has given me. It's allowed me to express my emotions and choose how I share my mind with the world. It's been the ultimate self expression for me.
My inspiration for my art style has come from my love of cartoons mostly, as well as color. Looking at the color pink brings feelings of excitment and love, the color blue is calming and comforting. I use all colors in my art to hopefully open up your emotions and allow you to feel them in a way other than just thoughts or words. There's nothing like looking at a piece of artwork and feeling something you don't quite have words for.
I want to say thank you to anyone who has supported my shop in any way. Whether you supported me by purchasing my art, sharing my posts, or just appreciating my creations, I am truly thankful. Because of you, I have been able to afford bills, groceries, and just life in general. Because of you I get to share my art with the world, which is a pretty amazing thing. It's something I didn't think would ever be possible. Thank you for supporting small buisnesses, whether it's my own or any others. You mean more to us than you can even know.
~ Solar Plexus Art